
Beats by Dr Dre studio leaves the park L

These twowords , the difference between can be very large .relationresultMeteor is proud of something . The sulfur blue side between said sneeringly .relationresultQin Yudoesn care about this sulfur blue side overlord .
relationresultSulfurblue Deputy metropolitan suddenly was changed .The meteor had ignored his existence, how he not angry ?Sulfur blue was however wanted to be Jin Xingjun ,but weak on better than Xing Yuanlve .
This is when a pair of overlord .In addition to Xing far .He never think who .relationresultSulfurblue .The meteor may temper lonely ,you don mind . Jin Xingjun Xing far openings .
relationresultSulfurblue cold glances at Qin Yu ,then say no more .relationresultQin Yudoesn the sulfur blue ,he knew ... ... The sulfur blue on him have no effect ,Beats by Dr Dre studio.relationresultMeteor ,get you to the mountain news I am very happy ,I would have thought you would continue to do penance .
And simply ignore this sacrifice of . Xing far desalination said with a smile .relationresultTheXing far face sharp ,even sitting there .There is a heavy as Taishan thick and heavy, let a person dare not have any contempt .
relationresultSire ,he came to accept the holy mountain worship a bit ,but he to the real main reason is not a . Wenfeng said with a smile .At the same time to qinyu .Qin Yu took over the conversation ,nodded: Your Majesty ,I most want to holy mountain ,his majesty to grant me into a shrine to pass token .
, relationresultLost temple ! , relationresultSulfurblue ,Yu ,Kou wind and so on several people ,including Jin Xingjun surprised ,even always squinting through to protect the elders also opened his muddy eyes glanced at Qin Yu, then continue to squint .
relationresultLost temple .There although the artifact ,but to the meteor your strength ,should not need what artifact .As for the top grade artifact ,the possibility is very low . Packet Yu Deputy metropolitan aside and said .
relationresultQin Yuonly silence .relationresultThese peopleknow what Qinyu to rely on .relationresultMeteor .My dark star circle Three Sovereigns had regular ,usual time lost temple is closed, only one hundred thousand years it is uniformly enter for a chance .
Jin Xingjun Xing far frown explained .relationresultQin Yu frowned.relationresultFrom the next opening fan temple entrance channel .How long? Qin Yu asked .relationresultopen in sixty thousand years ago .
From the next opening ,there are more than thirty thousand years . Fran elder is answered .relationresultMore than thirty thousand years?relationresultQin Yu didnot at that time .Qin Yu immediately said : Your Majesty .
The lost temple entrance is said to be the last three monarchs using inheritance treasure to seal up ,only use three sire and refining to pass token can only open ,I want to please your majesty to help open a .
Don what you want the requirements to promise ? , relationresultQin Yudisaid that the fans ,to enter the temple of purpose .relationresultNot that I am unwilling to .You and for me in a penalty to worship, of course I can promise you .
Only ... ... Hei Yanzong and Bai Xuanzong two kings can do not necessarily agree, had set the rules ,seal up .And every one hundred thousand years into a unified lost temple ,in order to prevent my dark astral forced entry in which ,two is to make the dark star in the field of artifact in my three hands .
Jin Xingjun said with Xing far interpretation .relationresultQin Yuhearts slightly loose .relationresultYour Majesty now agree ,why not invite black Yan Jun ,white Xuanjun come to discuss .
Wa Jincheng said .relationresultJin Xingjunnodded : Xing far talking .I invited them to two .Just two of them agreed with low probability .Hei Yanzong and the White Emperor Xuanzong ,can compete with us .
, relationresultHis majesty to invite another two sire to ,the meteor had very grateful ,if talks failed, the meteor can only give into it . Qin Yu said with a smile .relationresultSince you have failed to prepare .
It is easy . Jin Xingjun view of the meteor ,impression is a lot better .relationresultJin XingjunXing Yuan is a very good person ,and met Xing Yuan who also know .Even as the monarch ,Xing far still no monarch .
relationresultWell ,don waste time .I now formally gave you a . Jin Xingjun suddenly stood up .He also sits a few people will stand up .Qin Yu was also very well .relationresultDarkstar the same courtesy cultivation .
relationresultHis leftfist in the right chest, !relationresultTake it . Jin Xingjun Xing Yuan took the two things in front of Qin Yu .relationresultXie majesty . Qin Yu took these two things .
relationresultThese two things,one is Dahir ,another is offered token .The decree is made by special silk into cloth ,at least in tough with gourmet fairy device .relationresultWenfeng ,you take the meteor to the first ancient temple and Heritage House to have a look .
Jin Xingjun desalination said with a smile .relationresultWenfeng: stand up ,your majesty . , relationresultStripteaserelationresultThe mountainpeak has built a series of palaces ,Dian dian .
At the same time, there are still many practicing guest place .Around the main peak , relationresultThe seventeenhills .Seven as a private residence .There are eight is past dynasties monarch residence place of penalty ,and the two is the penalty in the main palace .
relationresultThese two placesare the first ancient temple and Heritage temple .relationresultThe first ancienttemple .Covers an extremely wide .The hill occupied almost 70 percent of the area ,while Qin Yu and Wenfeng are the first ancient Diandian outside the door .
relationresultStop.Wenfeng adults .The adults show token . The first ancient temple guard cold voice thundered .relationresultQin Yu doesnsee to Wenfeng .Wenfeng explained: the first ancient Dian He heritage temple are land heavy penalty ,the penalty Zongyou qualification into them ,not more than ten ,you this new worship .
Course are eligible . , relationresultQin Yu immediatelygave worship token .relationresultTheguards see token .He bowed : worship the lord .Come in, please. , relationresultQin Yu andWenfeng to cross the threshold .
Into this huge ancient temple .The first ancient temple is divided into front and rear hall .The lobby has a large hanging to plaque .relationresultQin Yu did notsee the past .relationresultThe third penalty monarch ,formerly known as day .
Born in Bailian star ,spend seventy-two years to reach a star king ,then leaves the park Lianxing intergalactic tramp ... ... , relationresultThe eighth penalty monarch ,formerly known as macro .
Place of birth is unknown .Training time is unknown ,had killed sixteen star Dili level strong king of the kill blood Sheng ... ... , relationresult...... , relationresultAplaque has a penalty Jundi resume life .
relationresultThe lobby on the hanging plaque number, Hachi glance, densely packed up so much, the plaque is absolutely no less than ten thousand. Hang in front of the early penalty .When Qin Yu and Wenfeng towards the back of time, see more plaque .
relationresultWenfeng.There are many any penalty king? Qin Yu looked to Wenfeng .relationresultWenfengsaid with a smile : don soul force discrimination unclear ? , relationresultQin Yushook his head and laughed : I can not .
And because I count ,so can .The plaque total 70000 ,that is to say ... ... Since ancient times ,there have been more than 70000 penalty king ? , relationresultOn ,now Lord Xing Yuan .
It is a way for any penalty . Wenfeng nods .relationresultQin Yuthen asked : but each term of penalty Jun ,general served as the long time? , relationresultWenfengsmiled and shook his head : it is hard to say .
A penalty is fifteen star level ruler ,Emperor time as .He may have served as a million years .Even in the tens of millions of years before crossing robbery soaring ,have to ... . Related articles:

