
beats by dre studio or! Six people'

Don't live heart panic, see to lead the way eldest brother, and that eldest brother is also a complexion upheaval, silent long time, just mumbling say:"Is not a fierce monster not, fierce monster, break can't like this huge dignity, is work properly a monster!His Niang of, the ground of this fierce monster, hide to work properly a monster, and the amount is many, the brotherses, lay up to fly sword, withdraw quickly!"
6 people even if all are swords teacher to fix for, face a fierce monster, can also cope with, but if what to appear is to work properly a monster,is extremely difficult!To know once monster fixs to work properly monster Class for arriving, so their real strenght, equal to sword teacher level, but if fix for the high time limit to somely work properly a monster, for example upwards work properly a monster for 500 years, then may fencing saint!
Those suddenly and violently roar, from the valley inside everywhere spread, all is work properly a monster to fix to how dare to also stop over for, and, amount being not next ten, even if being to haven't appeared, but their 6 people, !
"Do you want to walk,beats by dre studio?Ha ha!Now that you have already made moves and then and at last make my boundary, so, stop wanting to walk!"
Suspend at Long Yi in the unreal, a sneer, he 6 people display the time of flying the sword magical power over there, already the absolute being knows to spread and did designation!
6 people want to immediately take back to fly sword, but, also too late!
Over there six fly sword to bombard valley everywhere and before, a way huge figure, then accompany with a voice continuous voice wild roars, from the concealment cave in the valley, under the underground, rapid flee!
6 works properly a monster and lead off toward that fly sword and fly to, before those 6 people take back to fly sword, the big is 1, would be direct all fly sword, the whole amount swallows into stomach!
With works properly the dint of monster, swallow a the sword teacher operation of fly sword, not difficult!
But almost at the same time, although that monster that is just advanced and become working properly a monster, but is already the huge Zhi of the Long Yi honest confident, lead 5 and work properly a monster, more than ten fierce monster, everywhere fly from the vast valley, from the all directions, those six people, all surround at among them!
Very short several interest time, those 6 people, fell among to absolutely outrun their to anticipate and imagine of dangerous territory ground!
This life flies sword, is all fixed for strongly work properly a monster to swallow an entrance than oneself in, and on all sides, also gushed more than tens huge monster, all of go to road, all seal to die, at this time, those six people are like the terrapin in the jar general, the God has no road and go into ground have no door!
Six people's facial expression , in this a moment, all become deadly pale, that eldest brother that lead the way is nowise also an exception!
All of them are together instincts to generally meet together, full in the eye is that frightened color ground's staring at regardless is a body figure or a vehemence, fix for, all the stronger than them top is too many monsters, can not have any action, even connect body, also involuntarily shiver because of fearing!
"This, this exactly is what is the row, how can have to so much work properly a monster and fierce monster, gather to form into groups, start out at the same time?Is those 2 BE?Not, impossible, their 2 people isn't likely to order about so many monsters to help them!This is fierce to the ground of monster and settles however is have what we don't know of the thing is operating all these!"
The eldest brother that that takes the lead mumblingly says, don't know to is to soliloquize as well, or say to let other persons listen to, but no one can give him any response, because die of fear, already prison ground in the prison mind that cover with them!
And in that valley under, a hidden place, that 2 people who originally hide, is also all facial expression deadly pale at this time, stand on the ground, a move don't dare to move as well, but in their front, three heights the huge huge bear of ten Zhangs work properly a monster, is like three knolls general, they are round and round to surround, even over there three huge bears are on all sides and also have more than tens fierce monster and cast covetous eyes on ground to stare at them!
Chapter 46 put~to death to kill!
Two square person's horses, each bosom idea, all want here inside the ground of being fierce to the monster, kill the other party, but, they all anyway can not expect, this fierce monster boundary inside, incredibly have third square influence, from they take fight up to now, have been being staring at them.,
But very sorrow BE, that three square influence, be not similarly fix a sword private with them, but several thousand fierce monsters that Long Yi gets a title!
At this time, air of 6 people, with 2 people of ground, is all similar, peep out vacant have no the color of Cuo.They aren't understand why work properly a monster and fierce monster, will accompany to carry on ambuscading to the person, can not even guess, is who is secretly guessing all these, is all same felling at this time in their heart, that is the despair.
The real strenght that expects to fix sword a private behind by a sword teacher deals with a head of commonness to work properly a monster, probably and not just problem, but, if deal with two, three?Those calculate not and up have much strong of work properly a monster, also have a heap of fierce does the monster do reinforcements?
Fix sword the private's real strenght by a sword saint middle, deal with a head of to fix for 300 years for of work properly a monster, also still there is cure of success, but, two, then force very much, but if 2 work properly a monster, and ten how many fierce monsters lay siege to together?
Result, all only have a , that is the dead!
Don't excessively refuse to budge, work properly a monster to flee at the same time in 6, swallow six fly the time of sword, fight in fact have been already started!
The huge Zhi of leading the way works properly a monster and break out a wildly and fiercely roar, but close behind, inside this one valley of other work properly a monster, be fierce to a monster, all is following behind to wildly roar to act in cooperation!
The monster roaring cry of the earthquake sky wave, toward fast fiercely spread on all sides, is like a surprised a way thunder general, extend into 100 insides outside, stream into those fix sword private of in the ears, immediately and then make some just at for getting cave or being the sword Jue that has a liking for other people magical power but arouse to fight fixing of positive Han sword private, it is one earthquake to is all mind, twist a head to see to fierce monster boundary inside!
But, the distance is too faraway, no one can see that spread the place that the monster roars and exactly took place what, but just think that before gets into several individuals who be fierce to the ground of monsters and disturbed a fierce monster, but can not expect and frighten of, exactly those people!
The voice voice roars medium contain of wildly fierce dignity, immediately and then make air, those six people, the mind almost collapse, but connects down, be those work properly a monster dynasty they launch an attack of time, they just really saw despair!
A way large sword spirit magical power, send out from six that work properly a monsters at the same time, remit to gather toward the center in the 6 people place, that is like hurricane, remit to gather, formed wildly fierce storm, while the position of the place of those 6 people is exactly a breeze eye!
Work properly the monster sword spirit magical power to display out, just in a moment, then gobbled up public in front, but those six people, this life's flying sword has already been swallowed, the strongest sword Jue magical power is naturally to can not display, even if is keep to still have in the thing bag what magic weapon, but the effect can not resist these real strenght at all originally strongly work properly monster sword spirit than them!
Someone sees that sword spirit storm, book to oneself, is already in despair shut last double eye, but some persons, but is full is to unwillingly take out to fly sword from keep the thing bag, display sword Jue magical power, but, those fly the magical power power that the sword displays out, 6 works properly the monster sword spirit in front over there, is just that the Tang arm is a car!
That eldest brother that leads the way, the mind and bodies all almost collapse at this time and wildly roar an after, then toward the sky above the disease soon increase and tried to once hide those six sword spirit magical power, but, very unfortunate BE, when he just started moving a body form, air, together huge figure, as if is that one regiment dark cloud is general, covered his road, and, after sending out a fierce roar, directly bomb a sword of toward him spirit magical power!
That leads the way eldest brother, the title sees toward the sky above, but reflect into his view of, would be together as if the sickle of the Azrael general black sword spirit, change magically to take shape, split to cut since then!
The sword annoys magical power, deeply body but lead, that body that leads the way eldest brother, completely bomb to explode, but his keep thing bag, be then worked properly a monster by that bird, swallowed an entrance while fallening off in, quickly fly to walk.
The eldest brother that connects the strongest real strenght, all feet greatly disorderly, die at work properly a monster a recruit under, leave of those people, again how can resist live that severals to remit to gather to become storm Related articles:

