
cnn nds of people life

-- coach not to ,he will be the nominal rate army stationed in .relationresultAvery waspromoted exceptionally as Bauhinia army chief ,Avery -- in the ned East has a large fiefs and mine husband Prince Chen ,excited to gold and silver jewelry into a car pulled into the Luo Naige stuhlman the Ducal Palace ,in the Avery command of one hundred and fifty thousand army north ,the never touched for a husband ,Prince ,again to the Ducal Palace lira over treasure stuhlman .
relationresultAvery has noright of inheritance ,but this is not a problem ,as everyone knows, the wartime was promoted to generals in the war ,after the victory will only rise in the official world ,as far as the reward land, it is a must .
For an aristocrat ,a large piece of fertile land, it is the hen that lays golden eggs ,and military power ,is the protection of the hen guarantee .Avery ,a family inheritance to the Royal side pro ,not to climb the grief after Lee Canyon ,in the ninth Knight Power Dorothy ,fly directly when the Zijinhua army ,this has been so free from imperial political edge ,Chen ,once again into the imperial core circle ,you let the prince how don thank the Stallman family .
relationresultGerry Feeley entered thetemporary barracks and Avery a little talk, Ulsa took the Pujing fortress size officials was greeted .From their face and it is difficult to stop supine excited smile ,so Gerry Feeley so popular .
relationresultBut itis obviously not their talk time, Ulsa looked solemn pulled out his sword ,sword towards Gerry Feeley Gogh roared : imperial knights ! , relationresultEmpire ! Southern Army together along with Gerry Feeley holding the weapon responded ,was shouting loudly ,as one falls outside the city .
relationresultNinthknights and grief ,not military or civilian ,his popularity at no two ,in the majestic fiery March Song, grief and southern one hundred and fifty thousand warrior with a tidy row of the array ,through the Pujing fortress rear tall and wide openings, officially entered the fort in the town Pujing ,cheers, he alone out to the warlord Ulsa in front of ,routinely the power handover ceremony .
relationresultLocated inthe northern Pujing fortress governor-general ,does not belong to the soft Baroque architectural style ,also does not belong to the pointed Gothic architecture ,but a four four square yard ,with Pujing fortress ,concise and strong .
In a series of complicated ceremony, in the four imperial Knight finally gathered .relationresultYou ,when your father did not dare in front of us wanted ,google,now you are good .Just let us three in Pujing fortress on the stem have a month wind .
Perhaps because of victory has been almost in sight ,third Knight Amal a sick face ruddy also ,waist straight, a meeting with grief and joy .relationresultI in the south ,fool others ,also conceal the now with the Supervisory Council wear trousers you ,do not hide the truth from you predecessors ,this time I almost had a glorious chiu .
Gerry Feeley said of the light ,but that is not a sword here arrow rain rolled up ,hurricane Gulch thing they also many heard a little ,for they never hold from two - plus a vampire prince .
Intact drag out .relationresultThere , Elmar Le still don let grief and gnash the teeth in anger ,the scolds: in when peace is not good, just when we hit a winning time of peace ,steal the show from us light did not say, but also harm us being scolded ! , relationresultHa ha.
. Elmar le I finish, make the room full of laughter .relationresultThen the sixthrider sting came to grief and front, and patted his shoulder ,also without a sound ,and has been chair of grief along the sliding seat to the ground ,he knows what to do with the sting ,with aggressive famous Imperial Knights of the sixth ,must be invited him to contest a ,if it is life and death to wrestle, grief and don fear of him, is his routine use in battle is no spectator .
relationresultKao ,is not it ,you dignified ninth Knights how a soft foot shrimp ,not a man enough . Sting be indignant road .relationresultDon Chiu said ,the way he injured before coming here, the sixth you this is apparent bullying ! Ulsa smiled and rescue road .
relationresultOn ,I now can not carry a gun ,hips can ,I come here to have a staff ,so it depends on you . Gerry Feeley quickly Jiupoxialv ,refuse to work .relationresultYou give me the loading bar ,who has power Aosu adventure camp ,the rage of a sword for confidante ,who face a myriad bolt hit the front gate Aosu camp ,finally the bucket thousands of Aosu army ,also in retreat ! Shi Ting said here to grief and an appreciation of the wink ,quipped : would you like the Bard in sing to you? , relationresultGood ah ! Gerry Feeley sat up from the ground ,was interested in the way the shameless replied immediately ,in exchange for the three Empire Knight consistent contempt eyes ,to tell the truth ,this recent months boring day ,they were tired of hearing .
relationresultFouralways belong to the imperial Knight far apart from each other to make at a .Ulsa cleared his throat ,hark back to the subject ,began to discuss the war on Sultan .Several imperial Knight appears to be a soldier ,that not be full of cunning ,the Vatican secret support one thousand mage thing ,they already know ,let them outside the camp in Sultan to suffer a little ,then finally accepted the peace proposal .
relationresultSultan will certainly be back in the camp were arrayed to camp ,Facebook,to rely on, let the mage to bomb over our striker corps ,if we want to attack Sultan camp ,so my plan is ,first with the Second Corps attack ,as far as possible depletion of the mage magic ,and we took out the main legion ! Has been the ned people chanting into the devil ulfsar ,is indeed a cold-blooded main ,is to open a tens of thousands of people life to consume the mage magic ,which maximizes the preservation of main army fighting capacity .
relationresultIf it is afrontal attack, Ulsa is undoubtedly the most suitable for the current situation, however ,other people can not Ulsa so big boldness, as tens of thousands of people life .
Amal and sting is not directly against ,but they are still actively out their own opinions ,what real and imaginary circuitous Sideswipe ,what pay after the truncated copy .Sting also indulge in the wildest fantasy ,so Ulsa gave him one of his horses ,he walk around Aerkuisi mountains ,to the king of Sultan .
relationresultSaidfinally, three others to grief ,because he like watching a play ,can eat with appetite ,there was no sound .relationresultHe taught ,I on the march to war has no experience at all ,you continue to say ,I also learn two strokes ,as the saying goes ,exams,cnn, but not fast light ! Griffey Leigh S vice with advice .
relationresultUlsaangry stare grief and eye ,took out a letter directly dropped grief lee .Gerry Feeley father-in-law to anger ,quickly put away the face of hip-hop ,sit square of clean open letter, or whether there are three Imperial Knights were ,as a meal on the table ,shout abuse , I grass charm of mending the old fox ancestors from generation to generation ,generation after generation of descendants cursed his son has no ass ,so has he bluffing me ,well I was to give you encouragement of singing .
, relationresultGerry Feeley reeled offfinished, the letter a down on the table ,the only grunt .Amal took the letter, a repair handwriting jump in the eyes of the kingdom of Sultan :one Related articles:

